Opening Note
- Antriksh Shah
Multiplying Threat Intelligence
- John Lambert
Hacking Mitsubishi PLC
Without Access To Firmware
- Anton Dorfman
Smashing The State Machine:
The True Potential Of Web Race Conditions
- James Kettle
Inside The Investor'S Mind: A Fireside Chat Of Entrepreneur-VC (Aap Ki Adalat)
- Panel
The Curious Case Of The Rogue SOAR
- Jaden Furtado & Mukesh Kumar
How I Hacked Your Bank Account:
A Detailed Look At UPI Security
- Nemo
Data Protection Law And Its Potential Implications For The Industry
- Panel
Lens Of Deceit: Unmasking And
Altering Camera Sunglasses' Footage
- Daniel Schwendner
Securing CI/CD Pipelines:
Exploring Vulnerabilities In Workflows
- Siddharth Muralee
Weaponization Of AI With Special Reference To Gen-AI
- Panel
Android-SigMorph: Covert Communication
Exploiting Android Signing Schemes
- Ayan Saha And Achute Sharma
Threat Intel Sharing In OT Community And Industry
- Panel
Uncovering Azure'S Silent Threats:
A Journey Into Cloud Vulnerabilities
- Nitesh Surana
Journey In Setting Up OT SOC By Ramandeep Walia
- Panel
Critical Information Infrastructure(CII) Protection: Challenges And Opportunities- How Can The Nullcon Community Contribute
- Panel
Novel Methods For Intercepting Phone Calls
- Kirils Solovjovs
Shifting Left With Security And The Evolution Of Your DevSecOps Team’s Journey To Excellence
- Panel
Cyber Operations, Doctrine And Geo-Politics
- Panel
Reverse Engineering RGB Keyboard
Backlights With Linux Kernel Drivers
- Rishit Bansal
C4CII - Securing Use Of Cloud In Critical Information Infrastructure
- Panel
Unlocking Any Door In 21st Century.
Immersion In Biometric Security
- Timur Yunusov and Aleksandra Murzina
Intelligence-led Defense: Leveraging Threat Intelligence In The Age Of AI
- Panel
Jailbreaking The Apple HomePod:
Fun With Checkm8 And Smart Speakers
- Tihmstar and Linus Henze
The Convergence Of EBPF, Buildroot,
And QEMU For Automated Linux Malware Analysis
- Nikhil Hegde
Adversary Simulation And Incident Response Impact
- Panel
Deconstructing The Beast: A Deep Dive
Into JIT Compilation Attacks In IOS
- Shubham Sharma
Cracking With Automated USB Fuzz
- Conna And Subba Bachina
A Cyber-Physical System For India With Security, Privacy, And Equity
- Panel
Self-Signed, Why Not! Exploiting Insecure
Certificate Validation In IOS And MacOS
- Aapo Oksman
IoT Hacking 101 : Reverse
Engineering The Xiaomi Ecosystem
- Dennis Giese
Closing Note
- Antriksh Shah