Welcome Note
- Antriksh Shah
The Metadata Trap: Whistleblowers In
The Age Of Surveillance And Big Data
- Micah Lee
Bug Bounty: Why Is This Happening?
- Adam Ruddermann
Securing the Human Factor
- Panel Discussion
PwdLess: Exploitation Tales From RouterLand
- Christofaro Mune
Automotive Security Bugs Explained For Bug Hunters
- Jay Turla
Predicting Danger: Building the Ideal Threat Intelligence Model
- Panel Discussion
Rage Against The IDOR’s: Using Machine Learning Models
To Detect And Stop Authorization Bypass Vulnerabilities
- Juan Berner
- Various
Lessons from the Cyber Trenches
- Panel Discussion
Don't Ruck Us Too Hard:
Owning All Of Ruckus AP devices
- Gal Zror
Complication in Security Practices
- Panel Discussion
Mlw @41: A New Sophisticated Loader By APT Group TA505
- Alexey Vishnyakov
Hacker Q&A
- Nathaniel Wakelam andLaurie Mercer
Taking The Guess Out Of Glitching
- Adam Laurie
Cybersecurity In India - Information Asymmetry,
Cross Border Threats and National Sovereignty
- Saumil Shah
Crouching Hacker, Killer Robot?
Removing Fear From Cyber-physical Security
- Stefano Zanero
The One Weird Trick SecureROM Hates, Vol. 2
- Nikias Bassen
Panel: Supply Chain Security In Critical Infrastructure Systems
- Panel Discussion
InfoSec Deep Learning In Action
- Satnam Singh
Putting It All Together:
Building An iOS Jailbreak From Scratch
- Umang Raghuvanshi
Economics Of Data Breach And Attack
- Panel Discussion
Hacking Automatically:
Applying Program Analysis To IoT
- Ryan Speers
XNU Heap Exploitation:
From Kernel Bug To Kernel Control
- Tihmstar
Hack The Law : Protection For Ethical Cyber Security Research In India
- Panel Discussion
COMpromise: Remote Code Execution
In Windows Development Environments
- Stan Hegt
Dissecting Rotten Apples:
MacOS Malware Analysis
- Felix Seele
Building Advanced Security
applications On Qiling.io
- KaiJern Lau & Quynh Nguyen Anh
Cloud As An Attack Vector
- Rushikesh Vishwakarma & Ashwin Vamshi
Closing Note And Prize Distribution
- Various