Conference Opening
- Gordon Smith
Year In Review & Key Threats To Ireland
- Brian Honan
Where Are We, How Did We Get Here, Where Are We Going?
GDPR - A Practical Timeline Approach For Business
- Linda NiChualladh
Mahkra Ni Orroz
- Christopher Boyd
Protecting What Matters: Cyber Security
Lessons From Surviving An Earthquake
- Ciaran McMahon
Gamification: And How It Applies To You
- Maria Hyland
Getting Into The Infosec Industry
From Different Directions
- Thom Langford and Lee Munson
Incident Response:
Lessons From The Trenches
- David Stubley
Would The Real Imposter Please Stand Up?
- Jessica Barker
Putting The Human Back On The Robot
- Quentyn Taylor
Digital Barbarians At The Gate:
Winning At Cybersecurity In The Age Of Cyber
- Bob Jamieson
How I Rob Banks
- FreakyClown