Smartphone Apps:
Let's Talk About Privacy
- Axelle Apvrille
Fingerpointing False Positives: How To Better Integrate
Continuous Improvement Into Security Monitoring
- Desiree Sacher
Tiplines Today
- Harlo Holmes
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Bad Passwords
- Chris Kubecka
Say Cheese - How I Ransomwared Your DSLR Camera
- Eyal Itkin
The Regulation (EU) 2019/796 Of 17 May 2019 Concerning Restrictive
Measures Against Cyber-attacks Threatening The Union Or Its Member States
- Eve Matringe
New Tales Of Wireless Input Devices
- Gerhard Klostermeier and Matthias Deeg
Memory Forensics Analysis Of Cisco IOS
XR 32 Bits Routers With 'Amnesic-Sherpa'
- Solal Jacob
Kill MD5 - Demystifying Hash Collisions
- Ange Albertini
Sensor & Logic Attack Surface
Of Driverless Vehicles
- Zoz
Disturbance: On The Sorry State Of
Cybersecurity And Potential Cures
- Saad Kadhi
Leveraging KVM As A Debugging Platform
- Mathieu Tarral
The Red Square - Mapping The Connections
Inside Russia's APT Ecosystem
- Ari Eitan and Itay Cohen
Fileless Malware Infection And
Linux Process Injection In Linux OS
- Hendrik Adrian
Exploiting Bug Report Systems
In The Game Industry
- Andreia Gaita
What The Log?!
So Many Events, So Little Time...
- Miriam Wiesner
The Glitch In The Matrix
- Marion Marschalek
Hacktivism As A Defense Technique In
A Cyberwar. #FRD Lessons For Ukraine
- Kostiantyn Korsun
DeTT&CT: Mapping Your
- Ruben Bouman and Marcus Bakker
Defeating APT10
Compiler-level Obfuscations
- Takahiro Haruyama
Lightning Talk 1
- Various
Lightning Talk 2
- Various
Lightning Talk 3
- Various
Lightning Talk 4
- Various
Lightning Talk 5
- Various
Lightning Talk 6
- Various
Lightning Talk 7
- Various
Call For Failure 1
- Various
Call For Failure 2
- Various
Call For Failure 3
- Various
Call For Failure 4
- Various
Call For Failure 5
- Various
Beyond Windows Forensics
With Built-in Microsoft Tooling
- Thomas Fischer
Effectiveness In Simplicity:
The Taskmasters APT
- Elmar Nabigaev
Who Contains The Containers
- Ioana Andrada and Emilien
Opensource SPI Flash Emulation
- Trammell Hudson
Piercing The Veil: Server Side Request
Forgery Attacks On Internal Networks
- Alyssa Herrera
Defeating Bluetooth Low Energy 5
PRNG For Fun And Jamming
- Damien Cauquil
DOS Software Security: Is There Anyone
Left To Patch A 25-year Old Vulnerability?
- Alexandre Bartel
DNS On Fire
- Warren Mercer and Paul Rascagneres
CTF Prizes
- Hack.lu