Opening Speech
- Roland Groz
Optimize Your Way To RCE Chakra
- Bruno Keith
Oh! Auth: Implementation Pitfalls Of OAuth 2.0
And The Auth Providers Who Have Fell In It
- Samit Anwer
Hunting For Bugs, Catching Dragons
- Nicolas Joly
VBA For The Masses
- Jonas Zaddach
Wombat: One More Bleichenbacher Attack Toolkit
- Olivier Levillain and Aina Toky Rasoamanana
The Rise Of Evil HID Devices
- Franck Bitsch and Arthur Villeneuve
IOT Security:
Hack The Damn Vulnerable IoT Device
- Arnaud Courty
Corrupted Memories Requiem
- *Anonymous Pwners*
Rump Session: Solving 'The Grid' In Three Different Ways
- Various
Rump Session: Access Granted
- Various
Rump Session: Aperi'Solved
- Various
Closing Speech
- Xarkes