Opening Remarks
- BSidesMCR
Opening Remarks
- BSidesMCR
A Year In The Red
- Dominic Chell and Vincent Yiu
A Forgotten HTTP Invisibility Cloak
- Soroush Dalili
Cracking The Lens
Targeting HTTP's Hidden Attack Surface
- James Kettle
Digital Forensics: The Missing
Piece Of Internet Of Things Promise
- Ali Dehghantanha
Cisco ASA Episode 3
A Journey In Analysing Heaps
- Cedric Halbronn
Repairing The Internet
With Responsible Disclosures
- Victor Gevers
From MS08-067 To EternalBlue
- Denis Isakov
Testing Docker Images Security
- Jose Manuel Ortega
CTFs - Not Just For Halo
- Ray Doyle and Clayton Dorsey
Money Makes Money: How To Buy An
ATM And What You Can Do With It
- Leigh-Anne Galloway
Malvertising: Under The Hood
- Chris Boyd
Echo Chambers In Infosec
And What We Can Do About Them
- Colette Weston
Kubernetes Container Clustering, Catastrophe?
- Rory McCune
The Impact Of Stenography
On Electronic Communications
- Michael Hegarty
Machine Learning Aided Malware Detection
(With Focus On Android)
- Nikola Milosevic
Security Testing As Part Of The
Release Pipeline For The DVSA
- David Brownhill and Craig Scott-Angell
Bow Ties In InfoSec
Do They Have A Place?
- Carolyn Yates
How To Bypass Email Gateways
Using Common Payloads
- Neil Lines
Practical Serialization Attacks
- Nicky Bloor
Hacking Wireless Home Security Systems
- Eric Escobar
How To Obtain 100 Facebook Accounts
Per Day Through Internet Searches
- Guillermo Buendia and Yael Basurto
Breaking Into The Data Centre
- Greg Smith
DOM Based Angular Sandbox Escapes
- Gareth Hayes
Fast Forward 10 Years
Fact, Fiction & Failure
- Ian Thornton-Trump
Return Of The Jedi - Considering The Role Of The
Security Professional In Light Of Exceptional Times
- Charl Van Der Walt
Revocation Is Broken
Here's How We're Fixing It
- Scott Helme
Closing Remarks
- BSidesMCR